Wednesday, April 29, 2015


I guess if you are going to start a blog it is always good to start at the beginning. So I thought I would talk about all the Ghost Hunting 101 classes that so many feel they are qualified to teach.

Well, here is what I believe to be the truth about that. 

Ghost Hunting 101 requirements.

1. Curiosity
2. Camera
3. Tape recorder

Now you are all set. Go wherever you feel there may be a Ghost and see for yourself. You are now a Ghost Hunter. (Certificate is in the mail)

Sounds silly doesn’t it but that is all there is to it. Hunt is the key word here. You need no expertise. Just a desire to get something and an idea of where to look. Oh there should be protocols to follow but without Standardization in the field that is out the window as well. Hence the tens of thousands of Ghost Hunting Groups in this country alone, just running around willy nilly. 
Oh yes, you will hear all kinds of people tell you the gadgets you must have to Ghost Hunt as well but that is just not true and I will talk about Gadgets in another blog. 

So the next time you see somewhere a Ghost Hunting 101 class, your first question should be why? Ask yourself, do you really need a common sense class? Most can answer, probably not and any real questions can be googled for hundreds of answers and you can choose the best one for you.

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