Sunday, January 3, 2016

The Problem with the Paranormal Field.

Here is where I have a problem with the field today and why I have embarked on my new path. 

I am not concerned with the Ghost Hunters out there. Let them have fun, enjoy their hobby and ParaCons, etc. That is just part of the draw of the Entertainment side of the field. 

My concern is the academic side and where the problem (as I see it) lies with those who know there are NO standards in the field to achieve, protocols or methodology to follow and therefore take advantage of that. They can make up their own terminology, gadgets and all kinds of things, tell the public what they choose and the public has no alternative but to listen. 

 Now all that in itself aside, I guess most of it is fine for those who can see through it but many use it to their advantage to impress the naive into thinking that is the way of the field. In doing so they gain followers that do the same turning it into a field of only hobbyists, leaving no real investigating being done. Regardless of what people think this has been going on for over 100 years and by many who people label as pioneers in the field. Many label themselves “investigators” with no education, experience or training, making believe what they do is investigating. Many even hold classes (some for a fee) to teach people about things they really know nothing about. Some make a good living at it too.  These people walk a fine line between entertaining and fraud.

Investigation is an exact science. It can be adapted to anything to include the paranormal and even if the people knew how to investigate they don’t want to take the time. So they do what they do, present everything they think they have but never really find out anything. If only half the people spent time learning the science of investigating this field would be much further along to finding the truth. Then again maybe people don’t really want the truth.

Anyway, I personally think what the field needs is the separation of the entertainment and academic sides of the field. A clear line defined by standards to be followed by the serious people who truly want to separate themselves from the curious ones. I believe there are many things that could be found or at least cleared up.
Unfortunately those on the entertainment side have the majority and power. Many feel threatened by the serious and do everything they can to sabotage any real work by bashing it and of course the naive will follow the popular people, groups or TV celebrities because they think they are the last word. So now you know WHY I am headed down the academic road. 

It will be a lonely road I am certain but a rewarding one just the same.

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