Thursday, February 14, 2008

EVP Recording without a Microphone???

Well, I have read stories on EVP's for years. I have formulated my own theories because of certain things that I have learned too.
Then I read Vince's idea of the Bell Jar experiment. (read it. It's interesting) I have also read underwater experiments, among many other types of experiments that minimize outside interference.
Now I like Vince's idea and if he ever mass produces it I want one. Also over the years I have read about sound and how it travels and how it is captured, etc. Now, I am going to try an idea that is not mine and that I have not heard of being used very often in recent years.
Ideally what I want is a very quiet environment to try and capture EVP's. Vince's Bell Jar would help do that as the bell would block out most sound. However, the bell is solid and could conduct some external sounds. So I am going to try and conduct some EVP work without a microphone.
Well here is a short story of mine. I was in Gettysburg at the time of last years conference. My group decided to check out the different places we had heard of. We took Mark Nesbitt's tour and asked them what was the most haunted place in Gettysburg. We were told 2 different places and went to both. At one of the places I took one of our recorders and left it in our vehicle and locked it in and parked well away from anyone by itself. It was always in view and no one ever went near our vehicle. None the less we caught an EVP.
After this I did some more research and read what I could about other theories. I have since adopted a theory of my own. I still believe they are of spirits but that, EVP's are not sound but impulses picked up by the recorder itself. Not by the microphone and transformed into sound.
Now hear me out. Sound waves are picked up by a microphone which converts them into electronic impulses. These impulses are amplified in the recorder. Then pass through the heads which give out a magnetic impulse and recorded on the passing tape. Now, roughly speaking, a microphone is designed to pick up sound waves in a range between maybe 60 and 12,000 cycles. This is close to the average range of the human ear.
If this is true, then any EVP picked up by a microphone should have been heard by everyone present when it was recorded. However, they never are?????
I believe that EVP's are the impulses made by the energy of an entity and not sounds emanating from the entity. So, maybe in only certain conditions could it be picked up by a recorder. Maybe microphones are interfering with capturing EVP's and we are missing more than capturing.
I am going to get a recorder and disconnect the microphone to use with my regular devices and see if there is a difference. Or will one pick up more than the other, etc. Now granted most of you might think I am all wet with this idea. But, most people think that already. LOL Hey, No risk... No gain. I'll be back when I get or don't get some results.


Anonymous said...

Have you tried cutting the diaphram off an old microphone? Should give you EMF without external sound...

InvestigatorK said...

I just use a blank jack in the mic port and that works fine without ruining anything.