Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A point to ponder for the New Year?

Another year has passed with literally thousands of Paranormal Investigators and Ghost Hunters and yet NO definitive Proof of the Paranormal exists.
Yes, the fields have become more popular but, in doing so has opened things up for more trick photography, etc. And in doing so may have lessened the credibility of the serious people out there.
Now here is the point to ponder...
Since we still don't have any definitive proof. Are we doing something wrong???? Do we need to look outside the box???
Everything I have read or heard, shows me that everyone is following the same general rules set down decades ago. (inside the box) Seems to me that everyone maybe following unproven methods for finding proof and is satisfied with with the meager findings or photos they get because they have followed methods set down by those who have written books or made TV shows.
I myself, for the new year am changing some of my methods and approaches to certain situations. Some will be subtle and some may be drastic and some may even sound down right silly. I am not abandoning the old methods and don't suggest anyone should completely but maybe just adjust how the methods are applied.
Now I may be totally wrong but I for one am just not 100% satisfied with any results so far. No matter how interesting they may seem.

My reason is because once we have that one small undisputed shred of evidence. The method of how it was obtained becomes a proven method for capturing evidence. Then we have the beginnings of a scientific path to follow. Then again I may be way out in left field.

How about you? Any new ideas?

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