Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Quick Introduction...

After a little thought I decided to do a blog on myself first. This way maybe you will get an idea of who I am and what I am about first. Then you can decide if it is worth looking at my blogs in the future. LOL
My bio is short. I am a retired detective who has a Paranormal Investigative Group of present, former and retired police officers Called GhostBreakers. As far as me? I am pretty simple. Whoa! That didn't sound right. I mean I am a pretty straight forward, easy going type of guy. I have loved the paranormal since I was little and not unlike most others, have pursued it.
I am however, not a follower and don't subscribe to all the paranormal main stream ideas. I will be blogging about subjects that I feel strongly about. I will not however dictate what is what. I will make it clear of how I feel and why. I also want to make it clear that what I may write is intended to provoke conversation or debate. NOT argument. If you do or don't agree, either is fine. Just attack the argument not the arguer. I am not a trouble maker. I just have some different ideas on certain things. I may also throw in one or two of my persoanl experiences. So I hope this goes well and I am allowed to stay.
I will also welcome certain personal questions if you want but, would like to keep them to the subject of the paranormal. Well, that is about it for now. You will get to know me better as time progresses.
Talk to you soon,


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