Monday, January 14, 2008

If you are going to ask for help? Take it when it comes along...

I normally don't discuss religion but I would like to share a story told by a priest. I sometimes tell it when I run across people who say they will leave everything up to GOD and his will.

During a particularly heavy storm a small town began to flood. John, a quite religious man, sat on his porch watching the water rise as his neighbors fled. One neighbor yelled at John to leave, but John refused saying, "GOD will save me"!
John said that, he had prayed to God and he would be saved. The neighbor continued on.

As the water rose a Firetruck came by and asked John to leave also. John's response.
"God will save me!"

A few minutes later the water was already several feet and wetting John's shoes as he sat on his porch. Two men came by in a boat and told John to join them and leave. John's response.
"God will save me!"

Well the water rose quickly washing most everything away. John was forced to his roof. As the water rose to his feet and the house shook. A helicopter came and pleaded with John to leave. His response was the same. "God will save me!"

Then the water rose well above the roof and washed John's house away and he drowned!
For the good life John lead, he went to Heaven. Upon getting to Heaven John was greeted by God. He asked if John had any questions and John said "YES, Only one"!
Why didn't you save me God?

The Lord just gave John a puzzling look with a smile and said,
"I sent you your neighbor, a Firetruck, Boat and Helicopter?"

This story is not intended to make light of any situation but to put things in perspective so everyone can understand it. Hope you enjoyed the little story.

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