Thursday, May 7, 2015

Ghost Hunting VS Paranormal Investigating… Part #2


       I think what most people seem to forget is to, “Keep things simple!” Keeping in mind that if the common belief is true, that spirits were once people. Then this being the case, I would conservatively estimate that 99% of spirits are of normal people. Like Mom & Dad or maybe kindly old Aunt Tilley or Uncle Joe. Although they may be initially confused after death, I don’t believe that they would become any less (or more) intelligent. 
First lets start with the majority of sightings and experiences. Most all occur within daylight hours or at night with lights on. So the basics I speak of in keeping things simple, is paramount when looking. I mean, why look for ghosts in places that they were never experienced? Why look for a spirit in a place (as a living human) they didn’t want to be or were trying to leave. Logically it doesn’t make sense for an intelligent spirit to occupy these places when they may go where they please. I have found no evidence of spirits being forced to stay anywhere. 
If they were normal people then in all likelyhood they would haunt normal places they would have frequented or loved in life. So too, the majority of humans live and are active during the day. Most of the sightings are had during the day as well. Think about what you have heard or the historic places you visit, etc. Visitors have experiences during normal business hours for the most part. So why do so many people, wait for darkness and then turn off the lights to check for something that wasn’t experienced like that? You see this all the time on TV. Example; If a detective is investigating bank robberies that occur during the day, I wouldn’t think they would stake out a bank in the middle of the night. So why do ghost hunters do it if they are truly looking for the truth? Maybe they aren’t?
       I too wonder why people use all these gadgets that you see on TV? All these meters, boxes, etc. I wonder if they research what their equipment is intended for? Personally, I tell people to learn their equipment before they use it. Know what it will do and what it won’t do. For instance, what does an EMF or KII meter actually tell you that you can apply it to an investigation? Oh sure, they beep or light up and they look cool and interrupt the boredom but what do they tell people? I always hear people say that they detect ghosts…, they don’t! Nowhere is there any proof of this. They indicate the presence of present or residual electric current. Well, simple grade school science tells us that the whole planet is surrounded by an Electro Magnetic Field. These meters detect the EMF caused by flowing current whether it is currently on or off. Now if the common belief is that ghosts were people and are of the same energy as they were when alive. Then holding an EMF meter up to a living person should register the same as a ghost and it won't. If it did, then that is something you can work with. Other than that I would just leave them for the electricians to use for what they were intended.

Now I guess it is time to move on to the next blog and take a walk through what I think a paranormal investigation is. It is just a preliminary investigation as a full investigation runs through conclusion and reports findings over a long period. Not a few hours sitting in the dark. 

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