Thursday, May 7, 2015

How to choose a Paranormal Investigator or Ghost Hunter?


 First lets distinguish one from the other. Now, please, at no time should anyone misinterpret the definitions to mean one is better than the other. This is just to explain the differences as I see it, whether you agree or not.
    The Paranormal investigator is someone who for what ever their reasons,  investigate to determine the truth (not ghosts) behind reported occurrences. They will, or should be meticulous in their investigating techniques and methods. Maybe to the point as seeming to over do it. 
They will document everything even if they don't look like they are at the time they will later. They will never ask you for anything. They may ask you what you want out of the investigation. In short they will or should come off right from the start as professionals. 
    Now a Ghost Hunter is just what it sounds like. Mostly a group of people looking (hunting) for ghosts. The will employ a few gauges or meters and go to cemeteries and places that are generally thought to have ghosts to see what happens, if anything. The ghost hunter usually will relate to their outings as investigations, and they are investigations as they see it. 
Ghost Hunters are usually social groups who get together for a good time doing something they like. The Ghost Hunter also falls into two categories. The curious and the serious. The curious usually are disappointed quickly and give up and do something else. The serious are almost always disappointed but can't shake the feeling of not knowing for sure and eventually may become investigators.
    I would like to set the record straight (as I see it). You can be both and some reputable investigators are. The slight difference is that the serious investigator will Ghost Hunt as a hobby since it relates directly to what they do. I too do it for recreation and practice, since it is a pleasant distraction from the involved investigation. 
    This is why I think both are needed. In a nut shell, the serious investigator is needed for the obvious. The disciplined documentation of reported occurrences. They are the link between the mainstream science (skeptics and the like) and the believers (people having the experiences). The Ghost Hunter is needed, if for no other reason, to do just what they are doing. Going out, finding new places, having fun, spreading the word of what they think, etc. because if history has showed us anything it is that... Although some famous people have taken credit for inventions and findings. It is usually some normal person who stumbled on it by accident but just didn't get the credit. So you see we need everyone.
Choosing who you need
    Now lets determine which is needed and what to look for when choosing.
    There are literally tens of thousands of people out there that either investigate or hunt. Just browse the internet and you will see. You are looking at one now! Being that there are so many would lead one to believe that it is easy to find a reputable one. NOT SO! If you are serious about your experiences then you may need a serious investigator. If you are not sure or are just trying to find out if there may be something going on then you might need a Ghost Hunter. 
 Which ever your needs, you will need to do your homework on who you want to do it. There are also many out there that just want to play or worse. They don't fall into any of the categories I mentioned and need to be weeded out. Let's start with...
The Reputable Investigator?
    First, do your research and don’t pick the first one on a list. If they make claims then they should be able to prove them. If their bio claims hundreds of investigations then you may want to look else where. So to if they have been doing this for 20 years and they are in their 30’s you may want to look elsewhere. Embellishing is one thing but some go way to far. If their credentials are extensive then check them or at the minimum ask about them. We see much too often where people claim PhD’s and all kinds of things. Also, if their credibility lies on some certificate or worse, them being on some TV show, then it’s time to move on. 
Also a reputable investigator will never ask to come to your home or place you want investigated first. A reputable investigator will, like you, want to know if you are serious and to see if you really need their services. No serious investigator jumps into any investigation without knowing what they are getting into. In short they too want to make sure you're ok as you want to know they're ok. They will usually only take very general information and never ask for your personal information. (there is no need at this point so don't give it) If someone starts to pry for personal information, discusses payment, etc., you may want to look elsewhere. A serious investigator will suggest a public place (of your choosing) for the initial meeting. If you feel more comfortable with them coming to your home for a first meeting that is up to you at your suggestion but they shouldn’t assist. They will want to meet to get a feel of the situation and establish a quick rapport. This is your opportunity to feel them out too. One important thing as well. If they require no one to be there when they investigate then something is amiss or at the very least it is a sign of immature or an amateur. The main reason is because the person reporting that had the experience may be the catalyst for the incidents and should always be there for the investigation. Remember, you would research a contractor coming to your home and you should a Paranormal Investigator too. At a minimum you should be interviewing each other. 
There are NO guarantees
    A reputable person will never make any guarantees. They will not tell you they can fix things. An investigator is just what it implies. They are investigating to see if there is a reason for your experience. If during an investigation the investigator changes the terms, asks for payment to continue or cleanse your home etc. You should end the investigation immediately and if the situation warrants it, then notify the authorities. Not everyone out there is honest. It is up to you to make the determination. Hence, the initial suggestion of  meeting at a public place.
Reputable investigators don't consult with others as a rule, BUT...
    Now before you jump to conclusions. They don't do this as a rule because if they are consulting others then they aren't investigating, the person being consulted is.  If you are aware they are consulting someone else, maybe you should be working with the person they are consulting? Now this isn't to say a good investigator won't ask a fellow investigator some questions or bounce things off them. What I am saying is that you won't know about it. If you do, it shows a lack of confidence in their own abilities or they may be scam artists. Poor ones maybe but scam artists none the less.
Reputable investigators don't bring large teams
    Ghost Hunters bring a lot of people to cemeteries. Paranormal investigators have small serious teams. A good investigator will suggest 2 to 3 investigators besides themselves depending on the location. A good investigator is not going to bring a bunch of people. (that's only on TV) Besides almost everyone I have had contact with doesn't want a gaggle of people running all over their homes and most homes aren't big enough for that. However, a good investigator (if out of their general area) may contact another reputable organization in the area to let them know they have an investigation and see if they want to send one person to observe. It's just a professional courtesy. Reputable organizations almost always belong to a network where they can make contact with other organizations. One last thing is that a good investigator will suggest a day and night investigation. It is just good sense to (if for no other reason) familiarize yourself with new surroundings in the daylight first for safety reasons. However, the good investigator will make sure they are investigating the reported incidents. If you tell them it happens at 5 pm then their focus should be at 5 pm and not 5 am with the lights out.
Everything should be above board
    Everything should be put out, gone over at the first meeting. All expectations by both parties. Remember you (for all intents and purposes) are hiring this person. You are in charge. You set the boundaries. If an investigator balks at you setting boundaries. It may be time to look elsewhere. You can always lift boundaries later when you feel comfortable. A reputable investigator knows this. The first meeting will be like an interview for both of you. The good investigator should then suggest a second meeting if you wish to continue. You will then tell them you will get back to them. This may seem like a long process but your ghosts aren't going anywhere and if the investigator is reputable neither are they. Besides you would check out a plumber, carpenter or other persons coming into your home. Why should this be different. It just may need to be approached a little different. If you feel comfortable with the person then let them know and set up that second meeting for specifics. What you are looking for. Where the investigation is to take place, etc.  No need to give a group free reign if the activity is confined to a certain area. Now that it is set, let friends and family know what is going on, when it is to take place and always have at least one person with you when the investigation begins. Just have a friend or relative stay over.
Do people charge? If they do, what for?
This subject has been a big debate between investigators for some time. Most don't charge but some do. It usually is no reflection on their ability but may be on your decision. Some say reputable investigators don't charge. That is a correct statement in that they may not charge for the investigation or their time. However, some charge for hard copies of the investigation, DVD's or audio tape copies. (this is understandable since they pay for them but they shouldn’t look to make a profit) You have to remember these are real people and don't have a TV show's budget and buy these items out of their own pocket. So don't be offended if they don't give you copies for free. If they are charging you to come into your home to investigate, then you may want to look else where. It is up to you.
The Decision
That was the easy part. Now you will have to make a decision to whether or not you want to proceed. Ask yourself the normal questions. Who is the best qualified?  Will they do as you ask? (i.e., work around your schedule, etc.) If they are acting like they are in charge at any time? Look elsewhere.
NOW!    Is a Paranormal Investigator Overkill?
    Each situation is unique. Do you really need a paranormal Investigator or will a Ghost Hunter do? There are many more Ghost Hunters out there and they never charge. If you do enough research on the internet you may be able to do it yourself. Now remember one thing. Ghost Hunters usually belong to a larger club and have many members. Hopefully you can get only a couple of them to come out. Maybe the head ghost hunter and one or two  others. You may also find out what you need to know. You may then decide you will need further investigation. But never, never be disappointed if nothing happens when you are having your investigation. Because unless your experiences are happening 24/7/365. The chances of something happening when being investigated are remote. That is why investigators may suggest several visits at alternating times besides the times reported, etc.

Certified Investigators... DON'T be FOOLED!!!
This section will most likely make some people mad. Especially those to whom it applies but the facts are here to see in black & white if you put aside your feelings and read it. If you are thin skinned you may want to skip this section.

UNDERSTAND!   I am not saying all certificates are bad. I am saying be careful. 
Don't be influenced or impressed by someone who says they are a Certified Paranormal Investigator.  There is officially NO such thing. No acredited school or instructor grants a Paranormal Investigator's Certificate or license. 

Yes, there are many on the internet and elsewhere that will charge you money for a piece of paper they print on their computer but, it carries NO weight in the acedemic world or Paranormal Community. 
If someone says they are certified, raise an eyebrow and ask where their accreditation is from. Then ask what qualifications their instructor/teacher had to to be able to issue them a certificate.
Any Paranormal Investigator's or Ghost Hunter certification program, may provide a basic background in paranormal research and it may carry a small amount of credibility depending on who you ask. (usually only the ones that received a certificate from them)  That too is only if the organization providing the certificate has any credibility to begin with. I mean think about it. If you can't get legal formal education in the field, how can someone offer a certificate in the field to someone else? 
    I personally would not recommend anyone spend money for a Paranormal Investigators Certificate.  No matter how good the training might seem. Most just use common sense and then tell you you are trained.
    The bottom line is that you can personally, on your own, learn just as much by reading ghost hunting books, doing folklore research, join a group and go ghost hunting yourself. For this all you need is a FREE Library card and some FREE time. Experience is always the better teacher. Remember my saying: There is No Substitute for Experience and No Wisdom without it.,
    If you feel you absolutely need to pay for some training. Then get formal education that is universally recognized? Take college courses in Investigations. OR, go for Private Investigator courses. These will give you recognized education and the discipline in Investigations. Then you can put your education to work towards the paranormal and be able to show legal accredited diplomas that you are qualified to investigate and it will be money well spent.

Here is the difference between them and us to give you a better idea of what I mean.   
We at GhostBreakers are or were real police officers. I have a wall full of diplomas & certificates from 
colleges, the federal government, etc., in Criminal Investigation. We have taken our legally, universally recognized, accredited skills and experience and adapted it to paranormal investigation.  In fact we and others like us may be the only ones who can really call ourselves Paranormal Investigators because of our skill, education and experience. See the difference?  Basically, everyone else would be considered Ghost Hunters if you want to get technical and debate the terms.  Now please don't misinterpret what I have said as a bad thing. Ghost Hunters just lack formal education in investigations. They may however have more experience with the paranormal. I just bring this up to expose the scam artists and non-serious. A dedicated person will not whine over what they are called. It is the ones that insist that they be called Investigator instead of Hunter that I balk at.  Actually for the serious ghost hunter I would like to see them called Paranormalists. That has a nice ring to it.

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