Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A point to ponder for the New Year?

Another year has passed with literally thousands of Paranormal Investigators and Ghost Hunters and yet NO definitive Proof of the Paranormal exists.
Yes, the fields have become more popular but, in doing so has opened things up for more trick photography, etc. And in doing so may have lessened the credibility of the serious people out there.
Now here is the point to ponder...
Since we still don't have any definitive proof. Are we doing something wrong???? Do we need to look outside the box???
Everything I have read or heard, shows me that everyone is following the same general rules set down decades ago. (inside the box) Seems to me that everyone maybe following unproven methods for finding proof and is satisfied with with the meager findings or photos they get because they have followed methods set down by those who have written books or made TV shows.
I myself, for the new year am changing some of my methods and approaches to certain situations. Some will be subtle and some may be drastic and some may even sound down right silly. I am not abandoning the old methods and don't suggest anyone should completely but maybe just adjust how the methods are applied.
Now I may be totally wrong but I for one am just not 100% satisfied with any results so far. No matter how interesting they may seem.

My reason is because once we have that one small undisputed shred of evidence. The method of how it was obtained becomes a proven method for capturing evidence. Then we have the beginnings of a scientific path to follow. Then again I may be way out in left field.

How about you? Any new ideas?

Friday, January 18, 2008

Ghost Hunting TV? What are your opinions.

Let's start with the most popular. Ghost Hunters vs Ghost Hunters International? Then you can look at the others. Do they compare?

Is research happening here OR is it purely entertainment?
Is Ghost Hunting TV good for the Paranormal Community? Some feedback PLEASE?

Monday, January 14, 2008


I have noticed that there are a lot of Ghost Hunters out there that are middle aged. So I was wondering.

As you get older, does the fact of your own mortality, influence your curiosity in the paranormal more or less?

Let me explain better. As you get older, knowing that none of us are getting out of here alive. Does that make you more or less curious about the paranormal? Knowing you will pass on one day, are you more or less interested in whether or not there is a here-after?

If you are going to ask for help? Take it when it comes along...

I normally don't discuss religion but I would like to share a story told by a priest. I sometimes tell it when I run across people who say they will leave everything up to GOD and his will.

During a particularly heavy storm a small town began to flood. John, a quite religious man, sat on his porch watching the water rise as his neighbors fled. One neighbor yelled at John to leave, but John refused saying, "GOD will save me"!
John said that, he had prayed to God and he would be saved. The neighbor continued on.

As the water rose a Firetruck came by and asked John to leave also. John's response.
"God will save me!"

A few minutes later the water was already several feet and wetting John's shoes as he sat on his porch. Two men came by in a boat and told John to join them and leave. John's response.
"God will save me!"

Well the water rose quickly washing most everything away. John was forced to his roof. As the water rose to his feet and the house shook. A helicopter came and pleaded with John to leave. His response was the same. "God will save me!"

Then the water rose well above the roof and washed John's house away and he drowned!
For the good life John lead, he went to Heaven. Upon getting to Heaven John was greeted by God. He asked if John had any questions and John said "YES, Only one"!
Why didn't you save me God?

The Lord just gave John a puzzling look with a smile and said,
"I sent you your neighbor, a Firetruck, Boat and Helicopter?"

This story is not intended to make light of any situation but to put things in perspective so everyone can understand it. Hope you enjoyed the little story.

Guidelines for testing arguments and detecting fallacious or fraudulent arguments.

This is a little long but some may find it interesting.

There is no need to but, you are most welcome to respond to this forum. Since I have seen a lot of people these days saying they are new and are always looking for guidance I thought I would submit some of the guidelines I follow. This is my opinion. Whether you follow them is your own choice...

If there is a specific item you would like to address, you can make a comment.
The following statements were taken from various famous main stream scientist's approach to the subject. (for testing arguments and detecting fallacious or fraudulent arguments) I have adapted (but DID NOT change the meanings ) some of the definitions to apply to the Paranormal Investigations (in simple layman's terms, I hope). However, I have left out some that did not apply. The principles of the ones I did use can, apply to the scientific approach of just about anything also:

1) Wherever possible there must be independent confirmation of the facts.
You need more than just yourself to come up with the exact same evidence.

2) Encourage substantive debate on the evidence by knowledgeable proponents of all points of view.
All people from the paranormal community regardless of their opinions.

3) Arguments from authority may carry little weight. (in science there are no "authorities". Only the knowledgeable).
The Paranormal Investigator has taken a "Belief" a "Blind Faith" (in ghosts) and is trying to prove it scientifically. As we all know, there are no Paranormal Experts. Just explorers like in any other science that is unproven. If someone is telling you they are an expert, then they are trying to sell you something. Most likely themselves. This may offend some but, it is true.

4) Spin more than one hypothesis -
don't simply run with the first idea that caught your fancy. I am the only one I know (well, at least I haven't found anyone yet) that goes back to the same exact spot over and over and takes the same photos, recordings etc. I do my best to wait for or recreate the same conditions and then do it all again. Getting something once is nice but will never prove anything.
Example: I have seen an investigation based on noises. Loose pipes, creaky floor boards, etc. were found and they just automatically attributed everything to the things they found and left it at that. End of story. That doesn't tell me or anyone anything.

5) Try not to get overly attached to a hypothesis just because it's yours.
Too many do this and it is easy to do! I myself have fallen into this trap from time to time. Know what I mean? "Since it works for me, then it must for everyone".

6) If there is a chain of argument, every link in the chain must work.
Just because one or two people disagree with you or the evidence, that does not make it false. Stick with it. BUT, If everyone disagrees, then it's time to take a hard look at what you have.

7) This is called - ( "Occam's razor") - if there are two hypothesis that explain the data equally well, then choose the simpler.
The simpler version, will explain it to more people. Remember, simpler is better... I am sure we have all seen the people who try to come across as educated and knowledgeable by getting overly involved in explaining things and using the big words and phrases. (most of which, they got from somewhere) They very well may be smart but, they lose a big audience by doing that. Not necessarily because people don't know what is being said but maybe they just don't want to take the time to sift thru all the data.

8) Ask whether the hypothesis can, (at least in principle), be falsified (shown to be false by some unambiguous test). In other words, is it testable?
Can others duplicate what you did and get the same result? Not are they getting the same results. BUT , Can they duplicate the result on purpose!

9) Conduct control experiments - especially "double blind" experiments. Example:
where one person taking photos, recordings, etc., is not aware of the circumstances surrounding the place being investigated. ( i.e. - one of your investigators should be left in the dark about the specifics of an investigation.) This is a good idea on some investigations.

10) Check for confounding factors.
Look for things that have nothing to do with an investigation but would hamper one. (each investigation may be different)

11) Attacking the arguer and not the argument.
9 times out of 10 this is what you see. If someone is attacking you personally, instead of your theory, statements, questions or findings then they are just what they seem and should be disregarded, then avoided.

12) Arguments from "authority".
Remember there are no authorities Just knowledgeable people. If someone says they are, you may want to stay clear of them. I mean someone thaat has a "My way or the Highway" type attitude.

13) Argument from adverse consequences. (putting pressure on the decision maker by pointing out consequences of an "unfavorable" decision).


1) Appeal to ignorance.
(Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence). MY FAVORITE!!! Translated: Just because you didn't find it. Doesn't mean it doesn't exist!

2) Special pleading. ( someone typically referring to god's will to explain everything). It's an easy cop out.

3) Begging the question. (assuming an answer from the way the question is phrased). No matter what the answer to the question is. It is phrased so the assumption will always be the same. EXAMPLE: Only a YES or NO answer is required. Do you still beat your wife?
(No matter what you answer in this instance, it appears that you beat your wife at some point. Even if it is not true.) Just the word "still" changes the meaning of your answer. BEWARE!

4) Observational selection (counting the hits and forgetting the misses). Bad practice! Be careful.

5) Statistics of small numbers (such as drawing conclusions from inadequate samples).

6) Misunderstanding the nature of statistics (Like when President Eisenhower expressed astonishment and alarm on discovering that fully half of all Americans have below average intelligence! ) Does this surprise you? This was a real test! Just had to add this one.

7) Inconsistency in your findings. ( e.g. things ignored because they are not "proved" ).

8) "It does not follow" -
If the logic falls down, check it again. I find using the logical approach first, helps identify or eliminate a lot and make things go more smoothly.

9) "It happened after I did this, so it must have been caused by" -
BEWARE The confusion of cause and effect. Also remember my Cause and Effect OR Cause and Allow theory. Does the circumstances cause the result or allow it?

10) Ignore the Meaningless questions and move on.

11) Excluding the middle - considering only the two extremes in a range of possibilities is a big mistake. ( i.e. - It does or doesn't. It's Black & white. ) You must at least look and consider the gray areas in this field. Remember my old saying...

When you exclude the impossible...
Whatever remains
No matter how improbable
Must be the truth
If nothing remains
Then maybe the impossible
Becomes possible

12) Caricaturing (or stereotyping) - Beware the people taking a position to make it easier for them to attack. That is their agenda. A lot of Skeptics assume this role...

13) Suppressed evidence or half-truths. ( unfortunately you will see this a lot if you look hard. There are a lot of people who jump on the bandwagon just to get noticed)

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Quick Introduction...

After a little thought I decided to do a blog on myself first. This way maybe you will get an idea of who I am and what I am about first. Then you can decide if it is worth looking at my blogs in the future. LOL
My bio is short. I am a retired detective who has a Paranormal Investigative Group of present, former and retired police officers Called GhostBreakers. As far as me? I am pretty simple. Whoa! That didn't sound right. I mean I am a pretty straight forward, easy going type of guy. I have loved the paranormal since I was little and not unlike most others, have pursued it.
I am however, not a follower and don't subscribe to all the paranormal main stream ideas. I will be blogging about subjects that I feel strongly about. I will not however dictate what is what. I will make it clear of how I feel and why. I also want to make it clear that what I may write is intended to provoke conversation or debate. NOT argument. If you do or don't agree, either is fine. Just attack the argument not the arguer. I am not a trouble maker. I just have some different ideas on certain things. I may also throw in one or two of my persoanl experiences. So I hope this goes well and I am allowed to stay.
I will also welcome certain personal questions if you want but, would like to keep them to the subject of the paranormal. Well, that is about it for now. You will get to know me better as time progresses.
Talk to you soon,
